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Normal passes in world ./ camera / object space

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Hi, this may well be a dumb question, but how do you render normal passes in different spaces? Specifically camera, world and object.

I assume the standard N pass is normals in camera space, and I see the transform SHOP which seems like it will do exactly what I want, except when I try to convert I get a lot of renders with crazy values (-8000,-8000,-8000) etc. 

I've been piping a copy of the N attribute into the shader and exporting that as a pass which I guess could be used as world-space normal but this can't be the best way to do things.

What am I doing wrong? I assumed this was a simple procedure.

Many thanks in advance for any help.

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get the N from the global variables, put a transform vop and transform N from current space to the space you want. append a bind export and call it something like world_N (if you transformed to world space). then on your rop add an AOV with your set name (world_N)

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