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Ray SOP/ Attribute Interpolate question...

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I have a question regarding Ray/Attribute interpolate SOPs.


This SOP stores the hit position in two point attributes: "primitive number", and "primitive uvw". So far so good!

Attribute Interpolate SOP

Somehow this function is doing interpolation (see attached), but I don't understand how it works! To be more specific:

-I understand interpolation as: v_interpolated = t v_a + (1-t) v_b

-Ray SOP creates two point attributes:  prim # , prim uv 

-Attribute Interpolate uses ONLY the two attributes created by Ray SOP to compute new point positions! i.e. it computes new point positions based on prim # and uv. The problem with that is that original point position values not used which is the essence of any interpolation :)

I know my question is not very clear or maybe I just need more coffee to get things straight :) Anyways, your feedback will be always appreciated....


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Okay, here is a better way to rephrase the question :) 

The way Attribute Interpolate node works (at least in my example above) is NOT related to interpolation! Instead, it's basically constructing points in space using coordinate frames (primitive id) and displacements ( uv values)! i.e. , it's like defining a point using a coordinate system and x,y,z values, so where is the interpolation in that? where are values that get mapped to new values? Maybe I miss something here but I feel happy now :)

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