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Smooth fluid surface


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Hi guys again, sorry I ask too much one day I will give you back !

Anyway I am making sticky liquid scene, and I want to have really smooth liquid surface .

But I don't now....Please check My posted pictures I tried with "particle fluid surface" and something VDB...

Well Someone have Idea or know any topics!!??? PLEASE!!!

And I also added sample scene

Thank you

スクリーンショット 2016-09-03 1.12.56.png

スクリーンショット 2016-09-03 1.12.35.png


Edited by Kobayashi
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Well, in the file you attached you have a very low resolution fluid. Increasing the particle separation to something like .05 and putting a particle fluid surface to that was smooth. The particle fluid surface has many options for getting a nice smooth surface. I would highly suggest watching this video about flip fluid enhancements from sidefx to learn about the particle meshing workflow.



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Hi thank you for reply me guys!


resolution control by particle separation right  ?? I know it's late in my scene and even If I set them high it still not smooth.... so is particle fluid surface enough for it?

Let me check that tutorial anyways!!!



I will try smooth VDB ! thank you ! But ...umm how do i say... I think I needed to make flat flip sim! I should try first anyways


I will ask here again If I can't fix it! so,, please ! 

thank you again

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