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Reflection/refraction Blur

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Where exactly should I connect this node? Somewhere in the VEX surface shader (to the output node or mayby to the lighning model....? - no idea) or rather this node works only in VEX light shaders...?

I have so many doubts while building new shaders :( - so I will be grateful for any sugestions.


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Where exactly should I connect this node? Somewhere in the VEX surface shader (to the output node or mayby to the lighning model....? - no idea) or rather this node works only in VEX light shaders...?

I have so many doubts while building new shaders :( - so  I will be grateful for any sugestions.



Hey there,

I just quickly built this only to discover that there is a bug in the implementation of ReflectedLight VOP. Side Effects have incorrectly used "I" where they should be using "D" - or they have ommited the use of the surface Normal. The undelying VEX function of both approaches and the implementation of the VOP incorrectly sets up a blend of them.

It's still usable by calculating your own reflection vector "D" using the Reflect VOP and feeding it into the "I" input. Hopefully SESI will modify the ReflectedLightVOP to support the two modes the reflectlight() VEX function supports.


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Hey Jason, how did you get that setup to work? I find I have to put the normalise vop on the global N feeding into the reflect vop, it doesn't work if I put it the other side of the reflect vop they way you have it.


Hm, I wonder why? The reflection direction would be same regardless of the magnitudes of the input vectors, no?

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