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Fracturing animated object

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Hello guys I know this was asked before but I couldn't find a solution.
I am trying to fracture an animated object, for example a simple sphere deformed with a mountain sop (or an alembic file).
I create the RBD packed objects and start simulation, on the static object everything works fine. If I set the RBD packed object to “deforming active objects” the simulation “explodes”. I guess it's because the object keeps going with its animation and adds the dynamic simulation. So I am trying to dynamically set the “deforming” attribute to zero but I can't understand how. My goal would be to set the deforming attribute to 0 when the the active attribute is 1, and controlling the active attribute with an attribute transfer at sop level. I forgot to mention that I applied the voronoi fracture on the static geo and then point deform it using a lattice sop
Anyone can help ?

Thank you


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