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Houdini Sand to 3dsmax + vray

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Hello People!

I did a simple wet sand sim in Houdini and want to bring it to 3dsmax so that I can render it with Houdini. I tried searching the forum for a straight to-the-point guide but was unable to find out. If anyone can help me export these particles or point me to the right guide, I'd really appreciate it.

I am using Houdini 15.5 and I have the saved particle frame on disk. its a .bgeo.sc file.



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  • 8 months later...

you can use houdini engine to send it to max, maya or c4d. you can also export it out as alembic (.abc) and bring it into max that way. The only downside is that any textures made inside of houdini, will be lost. the simulation data is preserved just not textures. THat, you will have to do inside of max's slate material editor

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