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Steam Propellant FX


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Hey folks,
I've been trying to tackle a smoke element which involves an object being launched at a high speed with a propellant(something like hot steam coming through a nozzle, I guess). The object is a canister of sorts(imagine the propellant to be pressurized gas in the canister) - which tumbles and rotates on its central axis, thus having to orient the 'jet of steam'. It also interacts with the ground as it bounces. Since it has a small exit for the fluid, my emitter should be small. :\

I have tried the following approaches -

1. Small emitter - high velocity - high substeps(16)
After a lot of tweaks, the best I could crunch out of this was a trail that didn't have any defined shape of sorts, and could not achieve the 'cone'-ish shape that I was looking for

2. Particle Trail - as custom velocity  -as emitter -as force guide
Same Problem as above - particles only left a smear with no shape - even with high substeps(32)

3. Modelled Hollow container with exit - placed emitter within - plugged density of emitter to divergence -high substeps(32)
Got a more promising result - but at high velocity portion of the animation(especially at assumed 'launch' it would only leave puffs of smoke.

Unfortunately, I cannot post any scenes at the moment - will try on recreate the approach and the problems in an example scene. :\

Is there any other solutions that anyone could suggest? Or add up on what I've been trying? :D


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