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Renderer Creation Script


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hi there. i want to create a simple script that will create a renderer with predefined parameters (resolution, pixel aspect ratio, etc). it all looks fine except for one part - i'm trying to turn off micropolygon rendering (mantra -r). it seemed to me that the command to set it would be

opset - r on mantra1

but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. do you guys know what am i doing wrong?

thank you very much,


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actually, if i do opscript, the -r option changes from off to on, but the change does not reflect in the Render Command line of a parameter window.  does it mean it'll work?


You were on the right direction with the mantra -r. However, it's the opparm command you want to use. For example:

opparm mantra1 command ( 'mantra -r' )

The '-r' option in opset is to toggle the render flag of an OP.


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