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vex funtion: XYZ dimentions of a sop


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I guess this is easy question. I ahve a Bound sop and I want to get its xyz dimentions. What is a vex function for getting sop dimentions? I've been trying to look into help  but Im not getting lucky.

Edited by Juzwa
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3 hours ago, vtrvtr said:

Just as an addendum, the very useful bbox functions work in wrangles. E.g

ysize = `bbox(0, D_YSIZE)`;

Will give you the size of the bound box in the y axis  


It's very important to understand why that appears to "work". Your example uses an expression function that's evaluated while evaluating the string parameter for the wrangle's code. This happens before the VEX code is compiled, and means that the VEX code will keep being recompiled whenever the value is dirtied by the upstream SOP's geometry changing. That can have significant overhead, such as when running inside a foreach loop.

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