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POP VOP Parameters and use with RBD Packed Object

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Hi all,

I'm quiete new to Houdini and maybe my question is very naive.

I'm using POP VOP node but when I open the parameters panel I can't find the same parameters that are described in the documentation:
E.g. I attached the screen shots of what I get in houdini and web doc from http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/dop/popvop
So where can I find for example the "Geometry Source" parameter?

The other question is: I would like to use POP VOP node with RBD Packed Object and Bullet Solver, instead of VOP Force, because I need the ptnum parameters in CVEX, but actually I'm not sure if I can use in that context?

Thanks a lot for your time!




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your inputs tab you will see geometry source. 

Also you pop vop should be upstream of your solver. if you have your Vop below your solver, it doesnt know what you are trying to do. You are trying to apply some force or whatever so the solver needs to know that in order to apply those to your RBD objects.
You can still use your Vop force, you bind any kind of attribute into the Vop, then you can use Bind export if you need to read that attribute outside your VOP. Or you could use a geometry wrangle as well. 

If you are trying to apply multiple solver use multisolver, data flows from Left to Right. 

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Hi @Sepu thanks a lot for your reply.

Yes I saw the geometry source parameter in the input tab, but it is about input from 1 to 4 and not for input 0. Also many other parameters are missing there, for example "ignore mass" or "air resistence", where are they? Maybe they appear only if the POP POV node is used in some particular context?

About the use of RBD Packed Object with POP VOP, I tried to connect:
RBD Packed Object-->Bullet Solver-->POP VOP-->OUTPUT but without success. Using VOP Force instead of POP VOP it is working fine.

Thank you very much.


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The pop vop wont give those parameters you need re create them, you can always bind an attribute that you are missing "mass" for example and do stuff inside Vop. Input 1 is the same as input 0 in Vop. You also use get attribute.

Are you adding anything inside the pop vop? are you adding noise? incrementing velocity?. etc. If you can post your .hip will be better

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