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Warning on explodedview node in Houdini 16 [SOLVED]

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Hi Guys,

I am getting an annoying warning on H16 if I have an "explodedview" node in my scene.

Nothing strange or causing me problems but it's really annoying.
May this be because I imported an OTL done with H15.5 that had an explodedview node inside?

Can anybody help?

Thank you, Cheers!


Edited by lazza79
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Yes, the 90% of time you see that dialog is because you switch versions of houdini and new or old parameters exist. Once you save it and keep on working in that version it will go away. Alternative the other 10% is when an hda is no longer linked to the scene file and it becomes embedded.

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That should not be possible, as the hda would have to load in order for it to do that type of check. Is that hda in another hda? or is it getting created in a preset workflow? Also this will keep happening if you switch back and forth between major versions with a scene file due to the fact that parameter only exist in one version. 

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If you want to do a test, you can bypass your $HOME\houdini15.5 by calling it  $HOME\houdini15.5_BAK, to check where your $HOME is go to the textport pane and do echo $HOME. If you have set your $HOUDINI_PATH you can bypass that too. After relaunching houdini, if the issue goes away then it's something in your custom directories and other tool sets, and then you can slowly engage each directory to see what is wrong. I'm guessing the first one to test would be $HOME\houdini15.5\otls_BAK.

If it is still calling that issues after you have bypassed those directories and when you open a new scene, then you should probably reinstall Houdini :/ Also get the latest production, or daily build of houdini as it may be related to that specific version. 

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That's strange.

I uninstalled H16, reinstalled and loaded the non-commercial version and I still have that problem.

I moved all the folders inside $HOME (houdini 14-15-15.5-16) to a subfolder and I still have that.

I just open an empty scene, put down a sphere (polygon mesh) scatter points, voronoi, exploded view.

Save, open again, ERROR.

This is sooo strange.

I just tried to install H16 on a different clean PC. The problem is 100% reproducible.
I am now trying to install a daily build to see if the problem is there as well.

Edited by lazza79
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