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using @dist in color SOP

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Hi, everyone.
I'm new to Houdini and studying ray sop, now.

I'm trying to get Depth info as Color on a grid.
It works , if I used point wrangle but it not working if I used @dist in color sop.

Please teach me why it is not working and how I can make it works on color sop.

thank you



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Thank you Atom!

I could find what I missed by your answer.

Yes it works if node Color placed after the AttributeWrangle node.

I have been trying avoid use the wrangle node (sorry I have not written this) and your answer gave me a hint. 

I used attributeCreate node instead of color, and it works!  Thank you !!




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Attribute Wrangles are not to be avoided, instead embraced. AttributeCreate is the old style, Wrangles are the new style. But either way can work.

Edited by Atom
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4 minutes ago, Atom said:

Attribute Wrangles are not to be avoided, instead embraced. AttributeCreate is the old style, Wrangles are the new style. But either way can work.

For creating static values, attribute create is still the faster way, but if you want to have different point values based on certain conditions, wrangles are much faster than the old H-script code.

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