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Flip Fluid and scale


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Hi everyone,


I am new in Houdini and I have a pretty basic question about scale in this soft and its impact on the physics of the effects.


I want to do a flip fluid simulation with a big geometry like this:  



My team sent me an alembic of 2700 centimeters (in Maya unit) of our animated creature. So it is huge in Houdini and i can't make a container of this size without crash.


What is the way to proceed with such a big geo? 

Do I have to set Houdini units for under scale my object?



Thank you


Ps: Sorry for my poor english

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Scale down your Object,  If the model the shark in real size units in Maya usually you want to scale down in H 0.01 then check the size of your Geo in H. Remember Maya works in CM, Houdini in Meters and do not change the working units in either Maya or H.

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And this will not affect the behavior of the effects or the object/fluid relationship?

If I underscale my geo I mean.. Because I export my FX in Maya at the end (where the creature has the real size)

Edited by Arch
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After your are done with your effect, cache it as ABC or whatever you are using to take it back to Maya, and scale it up by 100 or 10 depending how much you need to scale down. In H if you going to do fluid or any other kinda simulation you are better off working at real size units in H. if not you can expect weird behaviors or crashing, etc.

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