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Transfer deformation between objects

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Hi guys,

I was wondering if any of you could help me solve the following issue:


I have one animated object (polygons). I am trying to create a deformation on it's rest position and apply it back to the animated object so that I can have more control on that deformation. So far, I have tried two different approaches:

1. Calculate de point difference in the deformed rest position and transfer it to the animated object using an attribute reorient node. It kind of works but it changes the transfered deformation too much.

2.Using matrices to transfer the deformation. I have tried it without success. I know how to export the translation/rotation/scale but I don´t know exactly what to do with it.


Does anyone knows any way of transfering the deformation from the deformed rest position to the animated position? Could anybody explain how to apply the matrix translation/rotation/scale into the animated object?

I would appreciate some help on this issue because it´s beginning to drive me crazy!! :)




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You can use displace_along_normal in the pointvop to get the ripple back on the bended plane. This works because the ripple only displaces the plain in the y-axis, and that is the same direction as the normal.  In my example I calculated the difference between the undeformed and deformed Y-position of the points. I linked that to the displace_amount in the bended plane.

I don't know how to make it work more generally.




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Hi mart1jn,

Thanks for your reply!

It´s working perfectly for this test scene because, as you say, the deformation it´s only in the Y-axis. But my idea is to apply it on a much more complicated scene. I have a cloth simulation and a surface deformer which I´m applying post-sim. What I am trying to do is to transfer that deformation on the final cloth simulation. And there is where I believe matrices might do the trick. Your approach works perfectly but is not gonna be very useful to my final purpose (but thanks either way!) :)

Any other ideas guys?


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