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[Renderman] Volume motion blur issu

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Hello everybody,

Here is my first post so I will present myself in few words.

I'm Thomas Renault, FX teacher in ESMA school (France). I'm using Houdini since two years now and I enjoy it more and more everyday.

First of all I would like to thanks all the community and SideFx team for feeding us continually with documentation and tutorials. That's the first time I post in odforce because I uselly search and find my answer without requesting anyone.

Here is my problem :

I tryed to render volume in renderman (21,4) for Houdini (16) with motion blur without sucess.

I found this on pixar documentation : https://rmanwiki.pixar.com/display/REN/PxrVolume but no fonctionnal blur at all in houdini...

Any advice ?

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