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Packed RB Morph - from one shape to another


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I'm looking to transform one shape of packed RBD's into another. I've looked at the forum and a few of the examples. Specially the lego car which is awesome but they all tend to transform the same set of Packed RBD's  from a rest shape to complete form. 


I am looking to transform from one shape of object to another shape of object. this is a pure Position and Rotation transformation and I think I'm just not understanding the way rotate work 


to show this I've made a simple houdini file. Any Help to better understand this would be appreciated. 




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Another thing that happens is that The Orient attribute is no longer valid when doing rotating objects in the Sop Solver. This makes export tools like the Houdini Game Shelf Useless. 

I would like to handle all the Goaling and orientation in a pop wrangle instead. 

Any thoughts on this ?

Edited by kni8_2k
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