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Painting Wrinckles Otl


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I have created a network helping me to paint wrinckles on the surface of a NURBS model.

I am using it very often. I would like to turn that into an OTL so I won't have to ceate the network everytime I need to paint wrinckles. :P

How can I create an OTL that work like the Paint SOP:

1. select geometry

2. activate the brush to paint the surface

3. go to last Node to see the result. or even better see the result as I paint.

My network is :

1. a Point SOP. --> add Color: BLACK (the geometry is black)

2. a Paint SOP

3. a Group SOP , create grop from painted points

4. a Point SOP to create the wrinckles on the surface

5. a NULL object.

Thank you for your help.

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I asked E.D.W.A.R.D. this exact same question once. The short answer is no, allowing the contents of an OTL to be edited in this way defeats their intended purpose and is against the design philosophy. What you can do is build the OTL the way you outlined above and just crack it open and paint whever you need to use it.

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I asked E.D.W.A.R.D. this exact same question once. The short answer is no, allowing the contents of an OTL to be edited in this way defeats their intended purpose and is against the design philosophy. What you can do is build the OTL the way you outlined above and just crack it open and paint whever you need to use it.



There is an slight alternative you can try - I've done this for our lightdome OTL which allows painting on the dome. Make three assets like this:


- WrinkleSOPCode (locked)

- WrinkleSOPDynamicData (unlocked)

The WrinkleSOPCode contains the network with most of the logic of the system and basically loops out (via ObjectMerges) to the DynamicData section, which is always unlocked (in its Properties)

This should allow you to do anything you wish in the DynamicData section - PaintSOPs, anything - to the geometry and not affect the logic of the whole operation. You can still refine the SOPCode logic after you've made edits.

There are couple of smaller issues which this idea, such as I believe you also have to keep the top-level WrinkleSOP unlocked if you want to modify its (unlocked) children and the fact that it "pollutes" your operator list with SOPs that cannot operate on their own. The latter problem is fixable by adding an "ophide" directive to the OPcustomize file which appears in the search path.

PS. Houdini8 allows the parameters of nodes inside syncronised assets to be modified and stored in a take. This might be useful for you too.

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there has been a lot of talk lately about getting new stuff into an OTL...

personally I like the idea of a locked OTL....

one way to get what you're looking for is to set up the OTL to have another input - pipe a subnet into that input and then inside the subnet have an object merge > all your paint stuff etc > that will then feed a sop inside your original OTL....

here is a really quick eg file...


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If you go down the "keep the subnet unlocked" route it's a good idea to stick a button on the interface that pops up a floating viewer pane with the paint sop the focus, that way artists don't need to go burrowing inside the subnet to make changes, and if you have other sops inside with it there is less chance of the display flag getting changed.

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