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Houdini 6 / Fc3...?


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Hi All,

Before I break things beyond repair, has anyone had (preferrably good :-) experiences with running Houdini 6 on Fedora Core 3...? I'm currently still running it on RH 7.3 but REALLY need to upgrade the OS to support other apps as well and don't really feel like dual-booting two Linux versions unless absolutely necessary. The reasosn I ask is that FC3 comes with a stock 2.6 kernel and I'm not sure wether Houdini 6 will actually support this.



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Why not? I haven't any experience with FC, but I have experience with H6/7 on MDK10 & Gentoo with 2.6.xx kernels. Houdini works fine with 2.6.xx.


Thanks, I'll give it a go with a small test-install on an old ws to flesh out any possible install probs and start converting my machines ASAP ;-)

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