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Createing Tabs For Parameters

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Couldn't find the example in Shake.c but I unpicked it from the Macro.

Thanks greatly once again.  :D

probably should have been able to find that myself, sorry.


To piggyback on this thread - Edward, do you think SideEffects will release some of those HDK course sources? There is a wealth of info in there and I realise that many of them may need nursing back into health since they were developed from back in the Houdini 4 days.

I know that SESI was hesitant to release them because they were developed by paying customers and so on, but I think enough time has passed and the need for more examples out there in these Free HDK days outweighs everything else.

If SESI agree, I have a copy of three year's HDK course sources that I wouldn't mind posting up.

Sorry for bringing this up in your thread, Simon...

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