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attribute copy sop for different resolution mesh


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I studying about the attribute copy SOP.

And had strange behavior.

I used the two grids one is Raw:200,Columns:200 and other is Raw100,Columns:100.

The result is repeating 4times on Raw instead of 2times.

Why not 2times x 2times? 


I know if i set the grid to 200  x 100, or attribute transfer can solve it

but I want to know about the reason, not a solution.







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Hi Junji, you should take a close look at what's going on when you copy attribute from grid1 to grid2.

In fact you're copying the color of each point, number by number (color ptnum 0 -> color ptnum 0) and when you reach point number 10 001 which you haven't in grid1 it begin at 0 again (color ptnum 0 -> color ptnum 10 001).

The 2 grids have a different topology so you get different mapping. In your case you're getting kinda the same image because is 100 x 100 and 100*2 x 100*2. If you change your grid2 to 201x201 you'll probably notice that every thing is a bit messed up, that's why.

I don't know if i'm clear enough, you can try your setup with 2x2 and 4x4 grids and display points number, that way you'll see what's going on.



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