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Textport Stupid Question...


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Here is a really stupid question, when I connect the textport with the rest of the panes, how come it doesnt follow when I move from one area like pops to sops?

I mean when I type pwd it gives me of the root.... when it should have given me something like /obj/geo1/sops ...

Also, the commandecho command, echos stuff I create and NOT wht I change or move. Anyways to have that feature open? For example, if I move from one level to another it would echo something or when I change an attribute it would echo what the change of that attribute....?

thanks in advance

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whts the use of "linking" if the thing will not change?

I see no use at all of linking the textpot to anything if itself doesnt update... or am I missing something really obvious?

and the command echo must be something that must be developed, there are soo many variables to keep track off that I for one dont know whts is going on when I change an attribute of an operator. Espcially with DOPs its hard to keep track now that the varialbes are no more CAPs....

Sigh.... I am whining....

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well...as for the linking...there are lots of panes that don't change:

channel editor

channel list

custom pane

handle list

bundle list


help browser

I wouldn't want to be deep inside a network and be running a script then change some other pane and have the textport location move to somewhere my script won't run...I honestly can't think of a good reason to have it change location...but I'm open to ideas..

and as I said the commandecho is an early attempt to do something similar to maya's 'echo all commands'...the fact that, in this respect, Houdini and maya are so very different I can see how implementing something like this will take time...and in fact may turn out very different as time goes on...if you have ideas about it post them to Side Effect on their forums - I know that they're always interested in hearing what people have to say.

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I wouldn't want to be deep inside a network and be running a script then change some other pane and have the textport location move to somewhere my script won't run...I honestly can't think of a good reason to have it change location...but I'm open to ideas..


That's when you would unlink it. :D

I'm one of those people who would like to see the textport linking follow the other linked panes, that way if you are deep inside a subnet you can quickly run commands that are relevant to the current path without having to opcf first. Just a few clicks less but hey it just makes sense that it should work the same way other panes that respect paths do.

Just my 2 cents.

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and as I said the commandecho is an early attempt to do something similar to maya's 'echo all commands'...the fact that, in this respect, Houdini and maya are so very different I can see how implementing something like this will take time...and in fact may turn out very different as time goes on...if you have ideas about it post them to Side Effect on their forums - I know that they're always interested in hearing what people have to say.


The commandecho command in Houdini simply echos eveything that gets sent to Houdini as a command to process. In Houdini's UI, somethings are implemented by sending commands, others (for performance and other reasons) are implemented internally -- and those don't get echoed. Also, Houdini's scripts are really the networks themselves. opscript is often used to generate scripts of how a certain node can be re-created. In the future, hopefully more of the UI is implemented as commands instead of internally -- this means that the commands will be echoed, and more importantly, more UI commands will exist for scripting.

Take care,


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yes George, it makes ametures like me who want to know what attributes are getting updated so that its easier to make little scripts to quicken the process....

the opscript is a good command but it just spews a list of attributes and one has to read word by word until it comes to that particular attribute that has got updated.... it does suck if u ask me....

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