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Crowd Clothing?

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I'm having a hard time bringing in animated clothing from Marvelous Designer and animated character into one object in Houdini to use as an agent.  I'm using Maya to export the character and Marvelous Designer to export the animated clothing.   I've tried a few different ways but nothing seems to be working.  I can get both into Houdini as separate objects but I just don't know how to combine into one.  Does anyone have a workflow for this?  Any advice would be appreciated.



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Your clothing should take the form of a mesh sequence that matches the FPS that the character is using. This means when you simulate inside of Marvelous, you have to set the time step to the correct value. Marvelous defaults to 30fps with a time step of 0.333 (something like that). But if your character is running at 24FPS you need to do the math and set the timestep to match.(0.041166).

When I used MD the only reliable export I could get out of all those offered export option was the venerable OBJ sequence.

So bring your sequence into Houdini and locate your FBX character geo skin node. At the end of that network add a file node and a merge node, also material assignments if you need that. Merge the OBJ cloth sequence with the deforming character and set that merge as the new final output for the network.

At this point, if you bake the agent your clothing should be included as well.


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I tried to make it work but it doesn't recognize the clothes.  I attached some photos.  

1.  The character and clothes are lined up and animated together.  All seems good.

2.  The second one I baked the agent and he ended up with no clothes.

3.  The crowd worked with  the guy but he was still without clothes.

Any ideas?




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