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Custom speed/veliocity/heading crowd & agents disapear randomly


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How would I go about altering the velocity/speed or heading of my DOP agents manually? Are these attributes read only? Is there a way I can directly customise them using a wrangle instead of updating target points and attracting my agents to them? I would like to add some random steering to my guys and I would like to have more control over their speed and add variation but I am not sure how to approach this. 

If anyone could help me with this, I would be very grateful :)

Sorry for the edit, but I have another problem: I noticed that when playing my simulation for 30+ frames, some of my agents start randomly disappearing. It shouldn't be the life expectancy as its really high and there is no variance. There is nothing in my simulation deleting them and I really can't tell any difference between the ones going and the ones not affected. It doesn't happen at once, its more like a gradual thing. Has anyone encountered that?

Edited by SquirkyTurtle
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