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Digital Asset that Adds Node Network Based on user input

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Is it possible to have a digital asset that generates a series of nodes within the subnetwork based on user input, and merges the nodes into the final output?


This would be an example asset-- 

Generate a user specified number of add sops, with one point each, each connected to  an attribute wrangle, and then merged into a final output.  

Within each wrangle would be the following code snippet:

@P.y = ch('point_1_ypos').     

If there were three add sops, then there would be three wrangles with the following code 

@P.y = ch('point_1_ypos').     

P.y = ch('point_2_ypos').  

@P.y = ch('point_3_ypos').  


Then they would be merged into an ouput.  

The channels would be promoted up to the digital asset level for quick access.  




To do this manually I would just add a series of add nodes, append a point wrangle to each, and then set a quick wrangle up with the following

@P.y = ch('point_1_ypos').  

@P.y = ch('point_2_ypos').  

@P.y = ch('point_3_ypos').  

And then do this over and over.  Id like automate this a bit if possible.  Any suggestions would be awesome!  Thank you!

-i know in this case the channel name wouldnt matter, but in a digital asset Im pretty sure it would.  



The goal here if your curious, is being able to quickly dictate the number of floors and their heights for parametric building creation.  




Ive created a really simple manual setup file for your perusal.  


Many thanks!   Im really inexperienced with digital asset creation, and I understand that this might be a difficult task.  Any tips on where to start would be appreciated-- i am a bit familiar with python as well, and know a decent amount of vex.  





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18 minutes ago, Noobini said:

doesn't this have the same effect ?


Thanks Noobini. 

Perhaps in part----the issue is I still need manual control over each point position--with a simple p scale rig ch rig added on to your solution, I have some control, but it is not  precise.  I would need to be able to specify that

floor one sits at 25meters,

floor 2 at 34

floor 3 at 36.   

All the way up to 60 floors if need be.  

It would be a lot easier if the floor heights were consistent, but they are not.  


Here is the thing--if Im building all these buildings myself, it would be okay really, the majority of the buildings are below ten stories.  But I wont have the digital asset setup the way it is requested if I cant generate as many floors, and their differing heights on the fly as is desired....... :( 

Edited by JKeil
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