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FLIP Fluids Boundary layer and Waterline options


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Hello Houdini Users,

I am new around the forum, and have been exploring the software for some time now.

I come from a Realflow background, where I usually would go for an open domain Hybrido simulation and the particles could leave the container freely.
Now confronted with the FLIP Tank workflow, I realized that the waterline option kills the particles at the boundary, instead of them rebounding (I always get some rebound with just waterline turned on), making it look like the container's walls don't exist above that certain waterline level.

To avoid the loss of volume due to the killing of the particles,I turn the boundary layer on and it looks like it somehow replenishes the particles, but it generates artifacts that I can't comprehend:

-Just turning on the boundary layer and leaving the padding at 0 makes it look like it is not working at all, thus I still loose volume and get some rebounds.
-If i set padding values like for ex. 1 (in x and z) I get jittery particles around the boundarys.

Could some one explain to me how is the Boundary Layer suppose to work (very briefly), most specificly the "Padding" options and in what context should it be used?


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