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Limit Soft Selection


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Hey folks,

i searched the forum, but didn´t find an answer to my question. Is there a way to limit soft selection in the Edit Node to a certain area? e.g i want to select two Points, but the soft selection should just reach out to a certain edge. I tried the visibility node but that didn´t limit the transformation.


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Thanks for your answer. But unfortunately that´s the same node functionality. As in the image attached, i do not want to move the points within the red mark. Only the bottom right to points should be selected. So my problem is that the selection of points is the group. and there is no additional group for the soft selection radius group so to say. Workflow in Blender e.g. would be to hide the top part of the mesh, use soft transform, then unhide again,  since transformations only get applied to visible geo. Any further suggestions?




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Let me see if I understand.  You like the radius of your soft selection and the issue is that it will effect the points circled in red?  If that is the case then add an additional edge loop to your geometry so there are more points.  Then group all of the points you want effected by your soft transform.  




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This is the shape i want to reach: 5a95c08ba6d73_2018-02-2721_32_23-C__Users_Elmar_Desktop_soft_selection_example.hipnc-HoudiniApprenticeNon-Com.png.01cbb0536f21f0b1adf94eff582fa183.png

I edited the points manually from orthogonal view. But it would be much more convenient to get such forms with soft selection by editing the far right or left points and restricting the soft selection from affecting certain points so to say. (like other DCCs to this by hiding points or so) Thanks for your help anyway :)


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You can always create a group of points that acting like a mask selection.

Edit your mesh (edit sop) followed by a simple vop or vex node (with original mesh as second input).

and set your mask selection to the second input


May be an HDA will be more handy

with a parm set to the edited points  and another one to the mask selection pts


May be a little confuse but here a simple file

mask_pts_001.hipncFetching info...

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  • 2 weeks later...


took me a while, cause it was stressful at work. Thank you dedeks. Exactly what I needed, i hoped there would  be a solution coming with houdini already. but so, a new hda it will be. Thanks.



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