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Divide Sop Doubts


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It places a point at the center of each poly and then connects them up into a new set of polys. If you apply it to triangulated meshes you get a hexagon/pentagon mesh, if you then apply a second one you get your triangles back, in the process you will have smoothed the shape out somewhat but you won't have change the point/prim count. That's what I use it for, plus an obscure use in my SSS sop.

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As I think (Marc?) said on the mailing list, it also gives you a soccer ball shape when applied to a polygon sphere. :)

At one point I think I might have used the Computer Dual option to do stuff with primitive connectivity because it converts primitives to points. Once you have the points, you can then use the VEX neighbor functions to determine connectivity. Then you can just the same indexing scheme and point it back onto the primitives of your original geometry using $PR as the index into point() expressions.

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