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Display values for painted areas

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Hi all, I am using a Paint Sop in which I have paint some regions on a grid, either white or black.
My question would be is it possible to display the 'painted' value?

I realized that whether using the wacom pen or the left-mouse click, there are times I will need to click on a particular vertex a few times just so to paint it to be totally black or white despite the Opacity valaue being 1.
Is it possible to display the said value/ is there a better way to visualize it?

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You can use the geometry spreadsheet and order the values of Cd.x in increasing order.

Else, I think in the display option (hit d over the viewport area), in Guide and Markers, you can ask to display custom attirbutes : can be vectors, but it can be labels also.

Maybe you’ll need to create a string attribute and use sprintf() to convert your Cd float (one channel, not the 3) into string, and then ask to display a label. Never tried...

To create a new marker/guide of attribute, look at the doc of display option in Houdini docs :-)

But maybe the easiest is to delete points that are all black & all white, and look at the remaining points, to paint them fully or not, and then recombine them with a merge node afterward... ?

Edited by StepbyStepVFX
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