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Resetting Object Rotations at Origin Based on Attributes (SOLVED)

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Hello all,

I am sending some geometry pieces back to the origin to do some manipulation.  Im using a for loop, and within the loop  Ive at least managed to move each piece back to the center.  The issue is rotation.  I want the objects existing normals "N" to be flush with the x axis while working, and the objects 'up' vector to be flush with Y axis {0,1,0}.  I know I can use the arccos(dot(up, up2) function  to get the angle I need, (and have done so), my issue is I cant figure out how to rotate the pieces accordingly.     




So basically--object incorrectly rotated at center-- its existing Normals should face towards +x {1,0,0}, and its "up" vector should face towards {0,1,0}.    


After work is done, Id like to be able to send the piece back to where it came from, but am a bit stuck.  


Thanks for the help!!!








Edited by JKeil
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7 hours ago, anim said:

you don't need loop at all, just promote your attribs to get average values per prim to each point

compute transform attribute and invert transform

then use Transform By Attribute SOP to transform back and forth as you need, see the file



Thanks Tomas!-- a much more straightforward method than I was conjuring up.  



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