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Rendering A 32-but Tga


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I don't think there's such a thing as 32 bit per plane targa's. I think you mean 8 bit per component targa's that have RGBA components which gives your 32 bit per pixel. In Houdini, the number of bits refer to per component. so an 8 bit image means it has 8 bit's per plane which is 32 bits per RGBA pixel. A 16 bit image means it has 16 bits per plane which is a 64 bit per RGBA pixel, etc.

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I have another small question. Is there a minimum size to a targa file? I alway thouht that they don't get smaller then 1.2 MB. However, I have rendered a sequence with the default mantra settings, except for teh size (set it to 720 by 480) and the targa size is somewhere around 100 KB. The picture looks fine, though. A lot of area is an alpha channel though - can this be the reason for a small file size?


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