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Checking Shaders Connections

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Hi people!

I have two objects in the scene: ball and cube. On the ball I attached brick shader(drag and drop) from --> Tool --> ShaderPalette menu. On Cube I attached custom shader from shopNetwork using shader operator.

When I check network connections, I see that Cube is connected to shader operator and then shader operator use shader from shopNetwork.

But how I can check which shader is conencted/attached to ball???

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ohh... so here it is... thanks man!

can U explain why there r diffrent methods for shader connections? I mean when I create default geo I can connect shader using shading tab on geo(now I understand) so if geo contain box, shader will be connected to box surface, right? But I can also connect shader to box directly in SOPs using shader operator, right? I bet there r few more ways for shader <--> surface connections but currently don't know them.

So what's the difrence?

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One is global, the one on the object tab, and assigns the same shader to all the geometry inside that object, the other way is more local and lets you assign different shaders to different parts. You can tell which parts by opening a spreadsheet and looking in the primitives section.

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