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Render Passes - Reflection Pass


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I'm trying to set up render passes so I can composite my scene together in post (DUH). I understand how to use take's, or at least I'm learning, the one pass I'm having the most trouble setting up is a reflections only pass?

I'm trying to set up pass similar to:


I've looked at the tutorials on the SESI site, and it was confusing. I'm using H7, so I know some of the stuff dosent' apply.

Also I'm not sure how to set up the shader for the shadow pass, getting different shadows in different channels. I'm assuming it has to do with setting the shadows color, and I'm sure this can be accopmlished though vex/vops, I just don't know how to go about it? Any advice on either, or about setting up render passes in general would be great??


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If you are putting together shaders in VOPs all you have to do is drop in a parameter VOP, set it to take input, give it an arbitrary parameter name and an approriate data type (vector, float, whatever), and click the export button. Feed whatever you want into it (your spec function or whatever). You can then render it into any channel you want by calling the parameter by name in the deep rasters tab of the Mantra ROP.

In VEX you just add the parameter to the declaraction of your surface function using export, and feed it a value at the end. Here's some psuedo code.

surface my_surf(export vector mySpec;)


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