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Does houdini support the facevarying class specifier? :unsure: If I remember correctly facevarying will allow me to have seperate textures on different primitives (faces) on the same SubD, and they will be interpolated.

For example

Grid- 4x4 polygon

UVProject- planar

Primitive1- Add Texture=grid.tex, Source Group= 1,

Primitive2- Add Texture=flowers.tex, Source Group= 2,

Attribute1- Renderman: texturemap -> texturename, uniform string

Shop1 - basic painted plastic

When i render this as a polygon object it renders as expected, one face has a grid texture, the other face has the flowers texture. But when its rendered as a SubD, it only uses one texture map for the surface. With facevarying things get interpolated on a per face per vertex basis, which will fix this problem...I think. :huh:

Any ideas? :)

Jason C.

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  • 6 years later...

So did anyone ever found out if Houdini can export facevarying attributes (st coords, etc)?

The Attribute SOP doesn't have "facevarying" in it's RenderMan mapping.

If it's not supported directly, can anyone please elaborate on how to get that information into Houdini-generated ribs? Thanks.


OdWiki has something on facevarying attributes on RenderMan subdivision surfaces, but it doesn't say how the information is exported to rib.


Edited by melazoma
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