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Linking To An Image In An Otl


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nope...can't be done....we asked and asked... :(

I think it's simply a limitation of the browser...it has no way to know what an otl is or how to get inside and find an image....

one weird little workaround would be to (on first instantiation of the otl) have a script copy out the images to /tmp/html_images/foo.jpg etc....then have that path in your help...but this is kinda dumb :rolleyes:

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Yeah I tried using otcontentsave to dump the file somewhere useful. But the problem with that is the only sensible place to put it is in the users HOME directory. Trouble with that is that I can't find a way to pass the $HOME variable to the html either. Unless you have any ideas about that, so I'm stumped.... rats.

Not only that, but I've run into a similar problem trying to make an installer for windows HDK stuff. Again I can use otcontentsave, but there is no way to make the required directories. If I do it outside of Houdini then windows doesn't know anything about the $HOME variable... aaaarrrrrgh!!!

So I'm left with writing a text file with a list of places to copy stuff too, how naff is that.

Anyone got any ideas about this.....???

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you could expand $HOME then use that....?


Possibly... you know I could have sworn I saw an HDA Mario made that had an axyz logo in the help card, Maybe he'll pop in and explain if he did indeed figure a way to do it. I think the asset might've been the subsurface scattering thing. Check the exchange.

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Possibly... you know I could have sworn I saw an HDA Mario made that had an axyz logo in the help card, Maybe he'll pop in and explain if he did indeed figure a way to do it. I think the asset might've been the subsurface scattering thing. Check the exchange.


I' ll have a poke around, don't hear much for Mario these days, I think he must be in family mode.

I couldn't think how to expand $HOME in html??? It's doesn't know anything about houdini variables as far as I can tell.

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I meant expand $HOME before it goes to html....

oh btw, remember that the houdini browser DOES support the <blink> tag...  :D


Yeah but how do you expand a variable before it goes to the html, you'd have to change the html every time the variable changed :blink: confused

Can you explain further

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oh sorry...for whatever reason I was thinking that you were writing the html file itself with a script...rather than having the html file in the otl and copying it to disc...not sure why I thought that...lots going on right now :rolleyes:

I just realized that much of this is unnessesary...

if your image paths are relative you don't need to know where you are...


your otl writes 1 html file to $HOME/houdini/myOTL/docs/

and the images to $HOME/houdini/myOTL/docs/images/

so your html code could just look like this:

<img src="images/myPic_01.jpg">

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I' ll have a poke around, don't hear much for Mario these days, I think he must be in family mode.


Heh.. I wish. No, I'm in neck-deep-in-work mode -- haven't been visiting the sites much :(

There was no magic in those otl's. it's all html stuff... but I must have posted a request for this at least twice at the SESI forum (back in H7 I think) and all I got back was crickets, so yeah, it would be nice if it were possible... could there be a Java solution somewhere in there?

Cheers... back to the grind...

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