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Basic FLIP/Splash Questions

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I have a few questions about creating FLIP Splash particles and what is considered the typical approach to them.


  1. One issue I have is that I have a FLIP tank that's quite small. It works great for the actual FLIP(object impacting the water) and the waves tend to dissipate by the bounds. Of course Splash tends to go much further than that. What is the usual solution to this? Is it really just having your original FLIP tank bigger? That seems quite inefficient when you know you don't need that resolution of FLIP at that distance
  2. A common question i've noticed but no straight answers. Spray & foam always looks very "ballish" when settled when motion blur isn't taking effect. Is the solution really to have hundreds of millions of particles? I see that Houdini shelf likes to convert them into a volume but that volume always looks too wispy than no matter what density.
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