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Do you know vex code optimization techniques?


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Hi, I making a small VEX code library and I was wondering if there are any good techniques to reduce the amount of code duplication.
For example I have a function that works with or without inputs and with different variables.
For simplified example:
vector pointPos(const int pointid){
   return point(0,"P",pointid);
vector pointPos(const int input; const int pointid){
   return point(input,"P",pointid);

Could this be reduced to something like:
vector pointPos(const int input = 0; const int pointid){
   return point(input,"P",pointid);

Is there anything like auto type recognition, or decorators, or anything else (aside from structs) that has improved your vex code?

Edited by DASD
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Thank you very much!

So I am looking at something like this and trying to make sense of it:

void subd_curve_bbox_general(const float t0; const float t1; const TYPE C0; const TYPE p0; const TYPE diff; const TYPE C1; TYPE boxmin; TYPE boxmax) \
{ \
    /* Start with endpoints */ \
    TYPE v0 = subd_curve_evaluate_general(t0, C0, p0, diff, C1); \
    boxmin = min(boxmin,v0); \
    boxmax = max(boxmax,v0); \
    TYPE v1 = subd_curve_evaluate_general(t1, C0, p0, diff, C1); \
    boxmin = min(boxmin,v1); \
    boxmax = max(boxmax,v1); \
    for (int i = 0; i < VEC_SIZE; ++i) { \
        subd_curve_bbox_between(t0, t1, C0[i], p0[i], diff[i], C1[i], boxmin[i], boxmax[i]); \
    } \
} \
void subd_curve_bbox(const float t0; const float t1; const TYPE pn1; const TYPE p0; const TYPE p1; const TYPE p2; TYPE boxmin; TYPE boxmax) \
{ \
    TYPE diff = (p1-p0);            /* Vector from p0 to p1 */ \
    TYPE C0 = 0.5*(diff + (pn1-p0));/* Average of neighbours of p0, minus p0 */ \
    TYPE C1 = 0.5*((p2-p1) - diff); /* Average of neighbours of p1, minus p1 */ \
    subd_curve_bbox_general(t0, t1, C0, p0, diff, C1, boxmin, boxmax); \
} \
void subd_curve_bbox_first(const float t0; const float t1; const TYPE p0; const TYPE p1; const TYPE p2; TYPE boxmin; TYPE boxmax) \
{ \
    TYPE diff = (p1-p0);            /* Vector from p0 to p1 */ \
    TYPE C1 = 0.5*((p2-p1) - diff); /* Average of neighbours of p1, minus p1 */ \
    subd_curve_bbox_general(t0, t1, (TYPE)0, p0, diff, C1, boxmin, boxmax); \
} \
void subd_curve_bbox_last(const float t0; const float t1; const TYPE pn1; const TYPE p0; const TYPE p1; TYPE boxmin; TYPE boxmax) \
{ \
    subd_curve_bbox_first(1-t1, 1-t0, p1, p0, pn1, boxmin, boxmax); \
} \
/*empty line at end of macro*/
#undef SUBD_BBOX

 seems to define some kind of block named "SUBD_BBOX"
the "\" at the end of each line seem to be part of the definition of that block - but I am not sure about what it does
TYPE and VEC_SIZE are arbitrarily named variables/placeholders/whateverYouCallThose,
which are substituted with the given permutations:
The block is then truly concluded with:
#undef SUBD_BBOX

Do I get this right?

Another thing I would like to do is, to create variations where certain parameters are optional, because they have "default values".
I guess I can do this with the -D Preprocessor option? Do you know where there might be an example for something like this? Is this even the right command?

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