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[noob vex] how to access single component of matrix3?


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correct me if i shouldn't be doing things this way, but basically in a wrangle sop rather than creating a bunch of separate control channels, i want to make one matrix3 and then access the individual components.

here's a couple ways i've tried:

matrix3 testMatrix = ch3("testMatrix");

f@testValA = testMatrix[0][0];
f@testValB = getcomp(testMatrix, 0, 0);
f@testValC = testMatrix[0:0];

i apologize if this is beyond n00b, but i've tried over an hour to figure this out and got no where.


Edited by haveahapyday
fixed code example
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well your matrix is called testMatrix but you ask for indices or getcomp() of something called limits

getcomp() works just fine and from the docs "The square-brackets operator also works on vectors. You can use it with matrices as well using a pair of brackets: float a = m3[0][1];" (couldnt make it work in 16.5, maybe new feature in 17)

Edited by 3dome
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7 hours ago, 3dome said:

well your matrix is called testMatrix but you ask for indices or getcomp() of something called limits

whoops, was confusing the example i wrote up with what i was actually using. edited the original post to make the example accurate.

7 hours ago, 3dome said:

getcomp() works just fine and from the docs "The square-brackets operator also works on vectors. You can use it with matrices as well using a pair of brackets: float a = m3[0][1];" (couldnt make it work in 16.5, maybe new feature in 17)

i was using H16 at home when i was trying that so maybe that could be the issue? getcomp() works in V17, but float testValA = testMatrix[0][0]; throws this error:

"Call to undefined array index operator 'matrix3[int]', returning one of vector4, vector2, vector, float[], int[], vector4[] or vector[]."

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