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stop combine


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Hey all. 

How can I make vdbcombine to stop calculating at some state? Easier to explain on an example - ive got boxes that get stamped by a sphere here, obviously in my setup the box loses its stamp when the sphere raises for the next shot. 

Guess its something trivial but cant get my head around it on my own :)  foreach? timeshift?attribs?  



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Not sure I understand correctly, you want to keep the deformation after the sphere left for the next box? For that to work (e.g. for the boxes to "remember" the deformation), you need to use a SOP solver. More specifically, the vdbcombine needs to happen inside a SOP solver. 

Alternatively, you could just copy the sphere onto every box. Depends on what you are trying to achieve in the end...


Hope that helps, I might have the time to put up a quick sample scene later today.

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