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Getting rotations from a copy stamp

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I have me a little isue. I have a copy stamp that is dumping a bunch of trees all over the place. They have their random rotations and scales stamped in as one would expect. But the ground is moving. This means that the tree will follow the normals of the moving ground. I how ever need to get that rotation of each copy, in degrees and push that out into an attribute.



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Don't use copy stamping for transformations, it's only going to slow down your network. Template point attributes are enough for any transformation.

What exactly do you need to push out this attribute for? If you use Attribute Interpolate to interpolate your N and up vectors on the ground geometry as they move over time, you should be able to stick the trees to the moving ground without an issue.

See attached.


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I will have a look at the scene in a bit. Just walked it.

Well we need the final orientation of the trees as an attribute for export to Maya. Since the trees are very high rez, also there are thousands of them, we want to render useing a proxy. So we build the animation in Houdini. Export simple geo. Plant proxies on that geo in Maya (pun intended.). Render. Just the orientation seems to be a tough nut to crack.


Edited by revelationsr
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Look at these help documents. You can use this same point cloud to visualize with copy to points, or instances at object to visualize the effects.

If you system needs euler values to define rotation, you can set them as euler with a random seed and then use a euler to quat vop or equivalent to set the houdini quaternion option of rot or orient. If you are using rot as the attribute make sure you set your up and N attributes.



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