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RBD Point Object Shelf Button

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Hi, I was looking at the docs, specifically this page:



In the Vimeo video, at the 55 second mark, the user clicks on RBD Point Object on the shelf. This seems to have been removed in newer versions, and the icon seems to have been reused for RBD Instanced Objects.


Seems like an RFE to update the docs might be in order, but ignoring that for now, when the button was clicked, it brought up a dialog that asked for a Packed or Point Object (see attached image), and would update the AutoDOP network accordingly. Is there any shelf equivalent to doing this now, or do we have to manually build the network for an RBD Point Object?

rbd point object.png

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Not really sure if this is the answer to your question:

I did a simple test with the with the RBD instance Object from the shelf: "Houdini 17"

If you dive inside you can find this:

Seems to me that the pop up menu ask you if you want to pack the RDB etc..

Inside there is this node with some kind of similarity:

I don´t have the old version of Houdini installed anymore so I can´t compare this 100 %

I am just trying to figure this out for you.

Maybe this has nothing to do with your question, 


Do you have a simple hip file from the older version ?

If so can you put it up. load it  up into the  new version and just do a simple comparison.



pack instance points.jpg

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Well, I just looked into the help files:

there was a hip file example so you don´t have to send one.

My answer was not relevant to your question, Excuse me:

Her is that file I compared , I am off track , sorry



RBD point.jpg

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