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point a "file" at the newest version

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Hi there.

I have this highly repetitive task I would like to try and automate as much as I am able to. I have it just about there but the one thing that remains is to point it at the correct cache to load and the correct location to save.

The shot cache always has the same naming convention. But the directory it saves to will version up. Is there a way in the "alembic load" node to look at then load what ever the highest version number might be. Also Then save an alembic with that same version number. is there something hscrpit can do? Or will this be a python thing. If so any thoughts on that?


Cheers :)

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The best way to do this is with a variable, like $SHOTVER. Set this up in Edit > Aliases Variables in the Variables tab to point to the version dir, number, or name you're using. Then have all your files use it in their file path. It sounds like you may already have a file with hardcoded versions, if so you might be able to use the varchange hscript command to switch your hardcoded version to $SHOTVER.

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