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Hi, I'm Kind of new into this Houdini world and is not an easy world, but I like it, I got this problem:

I want to make a fracture with debris, but I want that my debris wit its own geometry, So I searched, and what I understood was this:  

In the picture the null(out_dust) is the geometry that I want for my debris, and blast 3 is just the popnet but without a floor , when i watch the copy node is working but not correctly, the debris have the geometry that i want but the simulation is wrong, I made an example using poplocation and it works just fine, I don't know if the problem here is beacuse im working with a popsource, any kind of help will be really appreciated.

ps: sorry for my english.


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Yes, of course the fbx wont work, and neither the cache but if you watch the workflow you can probably help me,


Is a non commercial houdini 16.5 



i found the solution just by adding a point wrangle at the end of blast 3 adjusting the pscale, this would also work with a pop wrangle inside the popnet :)

Edited by cristian_tac
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