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How to read/write heightfield layer through variable in wrangle?

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In normal way, we can use following code to operate layers in heightfield.

@height += 0.5;
@mask = 1;

But how to access layer info through variable?

string layer_name = "height";
@layer_name = 1; // doesn't work


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  • 1 year later...

I found a way that works.  I'm not sure if it's the only way to do this, but a lot of houdini's own nodes do it so I assume it's correct.

You have to use the BINDINGS tab inside the VOLUME WRANGLE. 
-add a binding.
-set PRIMITIVE NAME = height
-set VEX PARAMTER = poo
-Then in your code, put @poo += 1; and you'll see it is editing your height layer, so it's working.
-Then you'll want to promote that PRIMITIVE NAME variable to the root of your node(s), so it's easy to type in whatever layer you wanna edit.


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