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Vellum Cloth Eyelit

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HEY everyone,

I'm trying to recreate a metal eyelit in a cloth and I am going about this using simple cloth. so far I have a pretty nice working file but my cloth starts wrinkling almost right next to the eyelit. I am trying to make a fall off on the outside radius of the metal eyelit so the fabric has more integrity to it around the eyelit/is more stiff and then gets more flowy further away from the eyelit. 

I am also seeing intersections with the cloth and the eyelit ( I think I need to model the eyelit properly so it doesn't intersect from frame 0 into the cloth or it wont recognise that it's a collider) 

Anyway I'm very, very new to houdini and have come from c4d so I was wandering if you guys could take a look at the HIP file I've uploaded and tell me if I have the correct setup and how I can make the cloth around the eyelits more stiff so all wrinkles eventually falloff to 0 before it hits the eyelit.

Using vellum simple cloth btw with attach to geo constraint.


Image one.PNG

Image two.PNG



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