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Group particles into four parts

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I am sorry if this is a silly question, I want to group N number of points into 4 seperate groups, suppose 30% =group1, 20% = group2, 10% = group 3, 40% = group 4. In such a way that no particle is common in any of the groups so that I can use those groups to use popwind to effect them seperately and color them seperately. Please Help.


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You could put the following code into a POP Wrangle to separate your particles into 4 groups.

if (@id % 10 < 3){
    @group_group1 = 1;

if (@id % 10 >= 3 && @id % 10 < 5){
    @group_group2 = 1;

if (@id % 10 >= 5 && @id % 10 < 6){
    @group_group3 = 1;

if (@id % 10 >= 6){
    @group_group4 = 1;

And then you could also replace @id by rand(@id+123) * 10 to get a random seed

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10 minutes ago, celd said:

You could put the following code into a POP Wrangle to separate your particles into 4 groups.

if (@id % 10 < 3){
    @group_group1 = 1;

if (@id % 10 >= 3 && @id % 10 < 5){
    @group_group2 = 1;

if (@id % 10 >= 5 && @id % 10 < 6){
    @group_group3 = 1;

if (@id % 10 >= 6){
    @group_group4 = 1;

And then you could also replace @id by rand(@id+123) * 10 to get a random seed

Wowww!! This works perfectly. Thank you so mucccch. Please could you also explain this code a bit. Like :

if (@id % 10 < 3){
    @group_group1 = 1;

if (@id % 10 >= 3 && @id % 10 < 5){
    @group_group2 = 1;

Please explain the above part , suppose I have a 100 points. can you please explain the above part to me?

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if (@id % 10 < 3)

This divides the id number by 10 and then checks if the value after decimal point is below 3 (modulo operation), if it is, it assigns the particle into a given group.

So in practice it will do for example: 1/10 = 0.1, then it takes the 1 and compares if 1<3 and then assigns the group; or 98/10 = 9.8 where 8<3 - no group assignment.

if (@id % 10 >= 3 && @id % 10 < 5)

This does the same thing except it compares with 2 different values and returns true if both statements are correct, resulting in grouping two tenths of your points.


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