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Docs on Rest

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You can read something about the rest node (which generates the rest attribute) here:

But if you are wondering what it is. It is basically the same attribute than @P but renamed to be @rest. It's useful when you want to apply noises to moving geometry so that your geometry doesn't look like it is swimming in the world space noise. The way to use it is if you are going to apply a geometry noise in a VOP, Instead of connecting your noise to the position (@P). you would bind import your @rest attribute and connect it to that instead.

The @rest attribute has to be generated on a still or non time dependent frame, otherwise it will change every frame to your current position and it won't really be at rest. If the geometry is already moving and you would like to create a @rest, you could drop a time shift  node with any frame, create the rest with the rest node, or writing v@rest = @P; in a point wrangle. And then you copy it back to your moving geometry with an attribute copy. Bear in mind though, the point count has to be the same.

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Correct, @rest is not by default in the globals inside a VOP, how ever if you open the geometry spreadsheet you will see that it has been created. And to use it inside the VOP you would need to import it via "get attribute" or "bind".

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