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Recursive Division of Primitive


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Hey everyone-

I am currently trying to divide a polygon with a grid centered over it with a random angle, and then voronoi fractured:


for each of those voronoi fractures, i want to give them random attributes, then plug them all into the above procedure and do the same thing, and for each of those new fractures the same thing, etc. etc, until my computer runs of RAM.. Just kidding, but you get the idea.


I'm relatively new to houdini but since I have done graphics programming and modelling in the past I have gotten comfortable with it quickly.

For this I've tried everything, from making a digital asset and putting the same digital asset inside of it (recursion) to using a solver, but I couldn't get anywhere with either. I also tried using a for loop with feedback but that seems to only effect the original input grid.

If this wasn't too complicated to program I'd use a while loop in vex, but the idea of writing out a polygon slicing program seems like overkill.

There's definitely an easier way to do this?



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