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MPlay taking infinite time to load cached sim

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Hey, since I have my new pc I'm experiencing a weird issue : when I want to launch Mplay with a cached rbd simulation (around 80K pieces nand 190MB each frame) it takes forever to load frames and after 1 hour I only have 10 frames loaded. I tried to replace the pieces with points (with add sop) and MPlay runs very well, so I guess it's an issue with my GPU, but how can I fix it ? 
I checked in Houdini Preferences and its recognizing my GPU, I've reinstalled my drivers and blablabla but it doesn't fix anything..
I already tried to optimize Mplay following this topic https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/mplay/mplay_optimize.html [www.sidefx.com] but it doesn't change anything.

Houdini 17.5.258
GeForce GameReady Driver 431.36
Windows 10 1903 
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
64 Go Ram
RTX 2080 Aero (MSI)


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