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Find position from oriented camera

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I try to get the Bounding Box left,right,top,bottom  position  from the object front at the camera 

i achieve to get the front and back distance

so the camera is the oriented vector, and i triy to get BBox.x,y from this oriented vector

I am sure it's really easy, but a  newbiee on Houdini 2(week) ... but it'S AMMMAIIZZING !!! :) i Love it

Thank you for your help

Hava a nice day

Best Regards




vector myptCamera = point(1, "P", 0);
float minDist = 9999;
float maxDist = -1;

float minLeft = 0;
float maxRight = 0;

// callcule le point le plus proche et le plus loins de la camera
for(int i = 0 ;i < @numpt; i++ ){ 

vector myPtDest = point(0, "P", i);

float dist = distance(myPtDest, myptCamera);
if (minDist > dist){
    minDist = dist;
if (maxDist < dist){
    maxDist = dist;
@minDist = minDist;
@maxDist = maxDist;




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