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Hey guys,

I have a question about rendering and baking AOVs with Mantra. From the extra image planes I managed to render out LPE planes such as beauty, direct diffuse, indirect diffuse, direct glossy reflections, and glossy transmission for a hair groom.

They turn out great. The problem is when I try to bake those same image planes from the hair groom onto cards. The LPE image planes come out black.

If I try render any of the other image planes like root to tip color, hairID, transparency, diffuse unlit color or any other custom passes, those come out great, but all the LPE passes don't render.

I suspect this has to do with the absence of a single camera point, so specular reflections, transmission, and other camera dependent BSDF functions don't produce anything.

Is there a way around this? Is there a way I can feed a fake camera/eye point in space to the hair shader and then bake that lighting on a card? 

In a way to create a static fake incidence angle that references a camera I am not actually rendering through?

I am also experiencing problems setting up ambient occlusion to be baked from the hair onto cards, a tip on that would be most wellcome.

I am using the bake texture ROP.


any feedback would be most appreciated, cheers

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